English Drama Script

Intrinsic Literature Analysis of English Drama Script by Mohamad Hosim

I did this exercise at 11 am on Wednesday, November 2, 2022, at Plaza Telkom Jember

Subject : Creative Writing in ELT


English Drama Script

TITTLE : Love is Destiny

THEME : The destiny love connection that ends happily ever after.

PLOT : The plot in the story is forward

FIGURE : Alice, Victor, Mrs. Arthur, Mr. Arthur, Edward, Catherine

BACKGROUND : In the morning and at night


Alice Home : "Victor brought Alice Home after they had a date all day".

Victor Home : "Victor went home, he arrived at 10 p.m so, of course, his parents were angry".

Restaurant : "Next day, he (Victor) met up Edward in a restaurant ".

Rainbow Park : "We (Edward and Alice) need to talk at Rainbow Park tomorrow ".


Happy, confused, dilemma, core conflict Alice misunderstands her sister, solving problems by meeting each other and the atmosphere returns to being happy.


- Alice : cheerful, good at being grateful, caring, stubborn, easy to make decisions.

- Victor : persistent in getting what he wants, shrewd, a little disobedient, ponderous over things.

- Mrs. Arthur : likes to cut the conversation, suspicious, authoritarian, likes to plan, does not like to be denied, tolerance.

- Mr. Arthur : easy to forget something (amnesia), does not like to force things, understanding, loving family.

- Edward : a good friend, a good listener, try something without being pushy, dare to speak up.

- Catherine : friendly, kind, loves her sister, respect the feelings of others.



Believe that God has prepared the best for you. A kind man for a kind woman, so do something that useful and always be grateful in this life.


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