Descriptive Poetry | Village

 Life in My Village

In my village, life is slow and calm,

Where fields of green stretch out like a palm.

The sun rises early, with a golden glow,

And roosters crow, to let everyone know.

The air is fresh and cool in the morning,

As villagers start their day, without any warning.

They gather at the market, to buy and sell,

As the smell of fresh produce, fills the air so well.

Children run and play, with laughter and glee,

As they chase after butterflies, so happy and free.

The sound of their giggles, is like music to the ear,

As they enjoy the simple pleasures, without any fear.

In the afternoon, as the sun beats down,

The elders gather, to chat and clown.

They share stories of old, with wisdom and grace,

And memories of their youth, that time cannot erase.

As the day draws to a close, and the sun sets low,

The village settles in, with a peaceful glow.

The sound of crickets, lulls everyone to sleep,

And dreams of tomorrow, start to take shape.

Life in my village, may seem simple and plain,

But it's a life of contentment, without any strain.

For in this peaceful place, I have found my home,

And the love and warmth, that I'll always own.


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